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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What's that smell?

For several weeks, when my car gets toasty, I start to smell bubblegum.
This is odd because I have no air freshener in the car, and if I did it wouldn't be bubblegum scented anyways.
On the way home tonight (racing home to see Keith Semple's audition on American Idol - my least favorite show of all time) I noticed that there is a candy cane hanging from my rear view mirror.
When the defroster kicks up, it blows hot air on the candy cane thus producing the mysterious bubblegum smell.
Well, that's one vehicular mystery solved.
The other? Paw prints. Paw prints all over my car.
Last Thursday, when I should have been making a complete stop at a stop sign, I noticed my windshield had paw prints all over it. Like kitty paw prints.
Completely baffled by the paw prints (my car is garage parked over night) I made a "California Stop" at the aforementioned stop sign and got pulled over.
Now, I hadn't noticed that I didn't come to a complete stop at the time. When the officer asked me if I knew why he pulled me over, I really didn't know.
Then I imagined him watching me peer ridiculously at my windshield.
He gave me a warning, and I didn't mention that I had been distracted by cat paws.
I think it was for the best. I didn't have time to do a field sobriety test.

In knitting news, I am still working on The Scarf.
Ugh, I am so bored with it and can think of several other projects I'd rather be doing but I am committed to finishing it.
I am also knitting myself a hat, this also bores me. I need to motivate to get these things done so I can knit fun things! I guess I will just keep reminding myself that once these things are done, I can go back to knitting without deadlines and commitments. Fun things! Baby things for my friend, who is expecting a baby girl in March.

Happy Cat Paws, Everyone!


  1. Thanks for sharing your blog with me. You have a fun and captivating way of writing. I look forward to reading more!
