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Thursday, January 21, 2010

In which the blog has nary a name

Whatever happened to Rock Candy? Do they still sell it?

My husband and I have noticed a lot of odd movie choices being made by actors lately, for example: Tooth Fairy with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
We have decided that it's because everyone suffers in a crappy economy and mansions don't pay for themselves.

Speaking of the economy, I made the realization that I am kind of over my "fancy schmancy" yarn phase.
I have really been on a serious yarn diet for the last few months, with my only major purchase being yarn for 2 scarves purchased from Knit Picks in September.
I find myself leaning back towards the JoAnn's & Hobby Lobby for yarn, and reserving my trips to the LYS for more special projects. As it stands right now, I am still working on that yarn from September, so I really don't feel the need to enhance my stash.
The Scarf, which seems to dangle lifelessly from my needles, is in my wonderful Namaste Zuma bag that I got for Christmas. It goes wherever I go, but I find the enthusiasm I once had for it is rapidly decreasing.
I know, I know. I should just suck it up and finish it, but I really do dread it and the fact that there needs to be another foot and a half knitted does not ease my mind one bit.

Today is my brother's birthday, I happily sent him his birthday text message this morning wishing him a good day.
Do any of you have birthday rituals in your family?
Ours started as a phone call, then evolved into voice messages with "Happy Birthday" sung by my brother in law, who puts the phrase "mother f***ing" between Happy & Birthday, which may seem tasteless in theory, but it's really, really funny.
Now, we do birthday text messages and as thoughtless as it may seem to others, there really is nothing like getting a text every few minutes throughout the day wishing you Happy Birthday.

Update on the mysterious vocal "chord" (thank you, Melissa!) scraping I had done, without my knowledge: It now causes intermittent voice outages & a cough that makes me feel like a horse. Yes, horse, not hoarse. I don't know why I feel like this is a horse cough, maybe it's because it makes me suck down Ricola lozenges like a mare out to pasture, eagerly taking sugar cubes(the original rock candy) from the hands of a small child?
"Keep your palms flat, Jessie!"

Last night at Walgreens I stood, throat aching, in front of a rack of cough drops for 10 minutes trying to decide which ones I wanted.
I knew they had to be sugar free, since I would be eating a lot of them (I am an inbound call center rep for a payroll service, and it's tax season.)
There were a lot of choices, I did eventually settle on the Ricola - but what flavor to choose? I couldn't pick, so I bought 3 different kinds: Honey Herb, Green Tea & Echinacea and Lemon Mint. I am pleased with my choices.

Also - rock candy, horse cough, Ricola, sugar cubes(the original rock candy) ? Did I just come full circle in this blog post?

So, who's going to come and offer this old mare a lozenge? Anyone?
Fine. I'll do it myself.

1 comment:

  1. you're welcome. i have a hard time deciding over cough drops too. lol!
    i hope your throat feels better soon.
    i don't think we have birthday rituals. my older son used to make videos for everyone's birthday and we'd post them on youtube. he just calls people now (with our help, of course).
