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Monday, January 18, 2010

Bloggity blogging

December 10th, 2009

I keep forgetting to blog. Maybe I should RSS feed off someone who blogs regularly, and that would remind me to blog here?

I dunno.

I am currently knitting like a fiend, having made knit-mitments (knitting commitments) that I may not be able to fulfill ("2-4' long celtic cabled scarves, knit and blocked by Christmas? SURE!")
Knitting on a deadline doesn't really work for me. Something always happens and the plan gets sabotaged.
Example, one of the scarves I am knitting was supposed to be a celtic cable pattern, well, after knitting for a bit I discovered that the cable pattern was far too complex and since most of my knitting is done during down time at work, I worried that I wouldn't be able to keep track of the pattern. Also, the cabling made the scarf really dense and heavy. Since it's meant to me more of a ladies' fashion scarf, than one to keep warm - I tossed out the celtic cabling.
OK, now to find a pattern that will work with the yarn, the needle size I have and be a more delicate knit fabric. Also, the pattern needs to be pretty mindless and easy to remember, but still look like I worked really, really hard on it(Ha!).
I found a Wave Stitch scarf pattern, and for some reason, it just wouldn't work. I am assuming that I was knitting the pattern as written. However, I suspect there was errata that was not my fault.
OK, the pattern search is on again - I found "Summer Scarf" which had a delicate V pattern in it. After knitting for about a foot and a half, I noticed that every few rows there wouldn't be enough stitches on my needles.
While listening to Meghan on the Stitch It! podcast, she was talking about the fact that in lace patterns, every decrease needs to have an increase - ex: one row of this pattern was k2tog, yo, SSK - well, that's 2 decreases and only 1 increase, so I was ending up short.
When I held up the scarf to inspect, I found that the V pattern was pretty askew.
Alright! So, that got frogged.
Meanwhile - I have had this yarn since October, it is now 2 weeks until Christmas and I have about 3.5 more feet to knit on this FIRST scarf.
I have the same amount to knit on the other scarf, which is the celtic cabling that I can really only do at home, without distraction.
I found the correct directions for the wave stitch in my stitch dictionary, and even though I can't tell the difference between the first pattern and the new one, it's turning out really nice. I amy dying to see what it will look like blocked.
Alright! Had enough? Good! I'm done!

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