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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In which I blather on about music

Coming in under the wire on this one!

I've been thinking about music a lot lately, and how out of the loop I've been.
I used to listen to the radio in the car during my commute, but lately I have been listening to NPR or podcasts.
I've been really relying on others to tell me what's new, or getting lucky otherwise stumbling across new stuff (which is usually only new to me)

Over the weekend, I found some new (to me) faves:
Fireflies - Owl City
I'm Shipping Up To Boston - Dropkick Murphys
The Blood Of Cu Chulainn (from the Boondock Saints Soundtrack)
Cellophane - 7th Heaven
Still Be Here - 7th Heaven
While You Dream - 7th Heaven
Take Me Back - 7th Heaven
(Yeah, I am on a little 7H kick)

The Dropkick Murphys make me want to go jogging, or kick boxing. Something involving moving quickly? I shall add it to the "Workout Music" list on the ol' iPod.

I encourage you all to step outside your "safe music zone" and get a little adventurous this week.


  1. are you psychic or what? i was thinking about writing a music blog this morning and now you've inspired me to get going on that. thanks!

  2. Haha, your comment about friendships is going to be my topic for today! Psychic indeed!!
