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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lazy, Lazy, Lazy!

This past 2 weeks has been kind of rough for me.
I have been in a funk that I just can't shake. I think it's the combination of winter gloom & the oppressive volume of work I have been doing lately, along with a dash of PMS.
In an attempt to hoard all the overtime I could manage at work, I find that I have not left myself very much time for myself and my family.
I feel stretched too thin, and that weekends are just not enough to recoup from the previous week.
Now that work has slowed down, it's been difficult to enjoy the slower pace and being able to sleep in a little bit since the overtime has ended.
Such a Catch-22.
The only thing I have managed to do is knit(and watch 3 seasons of 30 Rock on Netflix). A couple of co-workers are having babies and there will be the obligatory baby showers, for which I knit booties.
I am not really in a financial position to be able to contribute to the monetary gifts being collected for these co-workers, so I decided to knit.
However, it feels odd to knit for people I don't really know, wondering if the booties I have made will be used, or just tossed aside. Even though it was a simple pattern, and that I was technically getting paid to knit them since I knit them at work during down time, I still feel like I am giving a little bit of myself away.
Knitting is the only thing I have been productive at lately.
I have great ambitions of taking walks on my lunch break around our office complex, eating better and using my Wii Fit regularly.
I am a little ashamed to admit that in the last 3 months, I have used the Wii Fit twice, and once was to weigh the dog. As it turns out, she's overweight too.
I also aspire to wake up earlier so that when I dress for work, I don't look like I just rolled out of bed (which I did).
I also find it disconcerting that I have been wearing swishy nylon track pants to work. Our dress code is very lax, and it's common to see folks in jammy pants. I never thought I would have "Windpant Wednesdays" but the "swish swish" sound I make as I change positions in the computer chair have alerted me to the fact that "Windpant Wednesdays" is no longer something I can say I don't participate in.
(insert audible sigh here)
I can't wait for spring.


  1. hope you'll be able to come out of your funk soon. i love the socks you knit for my little guy a while back. so cute!

  2. Thanks! It was my pleasure! I just knit 3 pairs of booties as those around me keep breeding :)

    (edited because I typed "knot" instead of "knit"!
