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Monday, February 1, 2010

For Tommy

This joke may be in poor taste, but I will always have the memory of Tommy making us all laugh our asses off when he told it.

One afternoon, Pat met Mick, whom he hadn't seen for quiet some time. After chatting for a while, Pat asked Mick what he was doing with himself at the moment. Mick told Pat that he was Studying at University College in Dublin.

"Jazuz." said Pat..."And what are you Studying?."

"Logic" replied Mick.

"What's Logic?" said Pat.

"Well!" said Mick...."Do You Have a GoldFish?" Pat: "I do!"

Mick: "So ..you probably have the Fish for your Kids!"
Pat: "That's Right!"

Mick: "So.. Having Kids means your probably married...!"
Pat: "That's Right!"

Mick: "So Being Married means you're not a Homosexual!"
Pat: "That's Right!"

Mick Explains that it was Logic that allowed him to figure all that out. The Boys say Goodbye and head off in different directions.

An hour later, Pat meets his mate Shamey!. After a while Shamey asked Pat had he seen Mick around. Pat explains that he met Mick only an hour ago.Shamey said: "And what's old Mick doing with Himself?". Pat replies "He's studying at the University". Shamey: "And What's He Studying?".

Pat: "Logic!"

Shamey: "And What's Logic?"

Pat: "Let me Explain....Do you have a GoldFish?"

Shamey: "I Don't!"

Pat: "You're a fag!"


  1. i don't get it? who is tommy? is he someone who died?

  2. He is my best friend's cousin who passed away last Friday.
    He was a great story and joke teller, an amazing artist & a good friend to all who knew him. He will be greatly missed.
