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Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Path Not Taken

I have a few friends who knit and blog and we've decided to embark on a blog project that has nothing to do with knitting. We're going to take turns coming up with a topic every Thursday and we each have to blog about it by the end of that day and post links to each other's blogs so that people can see our different perspectives on the same topic.
-Thanks to Merryland Girl for this explanation of the Thursday Blog Project.

This week's topic, The Path Not Taken, is courtesy of Tracey @
Froggie Knits Like Crazy

Other contributors to the Thursday Blog Project are:

I could take this week's topic both literally and figuratively, and I will. Read on.

First, Literally:

On Easter Sunday 2006, I was driving home from my grandparent's house in Spring Grove and I decided to stop at Borders Books in McHenry. Afterwards, I decided instead of taking Route 31 to Route 12, like I usually would, I took Route 31 to Route 120.
At the intersection of Route 120 & Route 12, the light was changing and as I crossed into the intersection the light turned yellow.
A Chevy Suburban tried to make a left turn in front of me and it ended with my car being totaled and my collarbone broken by the force of my body being thrown against my seatbelt.
(Shortly after this accident, I met Melissa and showed off my fantastical bruises! What an icebreaker, eh?)
By choosing 'The Path Not Taken", (meaning that I would never have usually chosen that route back home) I caused myself a lot of pain.

Next, Figuratively:

Some days, I wonder what my life would be like today if I hadn't had the guts to end my first marriage.
I think about all the wonderful things I have done and people I have met because I did, and it makes me very happy that I did end it.
My marriage was strained, we were not the right people for each other. We played it out as long as we could and when we did split up, it was a huge weight off my shoulders. I was suffocated by him, we had nothing in common and being with him sucked the life out of me.

I have to admit that I am usually the one that takes the path not taken. I take chances all the time, sure, they don't all end well but I think that they put you on the path to where you are supposed to go.

If I hadn't left my first husband, I never would have met Mike, who introduced me to some of my very best friends today. If Mike and I hadn't broken up, I never would have met Kosta, who is such an awesome husband. For so many years, I said I would never get married again and believed that what my ex-husband once said: "Jenn, you were a great girlfriend, but you sure made a shitty wife" was true.
Being with Kosta made me want to not be a shitty wife anymore.


  1. I don't remember you showing off your bruises, but I'm sorry you got hurt in the accident.
    I agree about how one choice we make affects our lives so much. It's like "The Butterfly Effect" (which was a scary movie but so interesting and emotional at the same time).
    I'm glad you're happy in your new marriage. I hope I'll get to meet Kosta someday. :)

  2. How scary to be in an accident like that... Wow!!!
    You also sound so happy with your current husband, and that is wonderful!! I'm glad you chose that path to go down!! :) Yeah!!
