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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's like a car wreck, horrifying...yet I can't look away

Topical Tuesday is a weekly blog project in which 4...er FIVE! people contribute their individual spin on the same topic.

My fellow bloggers are:

This week's topic comes from me!
"What is your guilty pleasure?"

My guilty pleasure? DVR'ing crappy TV shows.
The biggest offender has to be my addiction to "Teen Mom" because Amber Portwood is a HOT MESS. I can't stop watching, either and I am always astounded at her shenanigans.
I know it's reality TV, and scandal sells - but damn.

I am not a devout watcher of reality TV, because I get too drawn in and have to remind myself that the bulk of the content is all for the cameras, but give me A & E marathons of "Obsessed", "Intervention", "My Strange Addiction" you name it, I will watch it.
I really don't know what draws me in to this, watching Hoarders makes me want to clean. Watching Intervention makes me glad I am not on meth. Sadly, I just find "My Strange Addiction" to be funny. Who eats dryer lint? Who snacks on couch stuffing? Really?
Maybe it's a classic case of Schadenfreude (the German word for pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.)

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh reality TV!! LOL!! It's crazy how some people decide to ruin thier lives on television.
    I currently am watching 'Tanked' about a family that builds wild fishtakes. Yeah, it's lame reality TV, but I like looking at the pretty fish and rediculous people who hire them to build crazy stuff!!
