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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Earworm

Topical Tuesday is a weekly blog project in which 4 people contribute their individual spin on the same topic.

My Fellow Bloggers are:
and a big, bloggy welcome to Nicole!

(My apologies for my formatting on the links for the last blog entry, apparently all links went to Wendy!)

This week, it's Shara's turn to give us a topic and here is what she has to say: "It's my turn for the next topic, which is: We all love music, right?! Music makes the world go 'round!! BUT - there's that one song that you wake up in the middle of the night, and it's in your head, and it just won't leave. What is that song?"

I would love to say it's a song that I love and that when I hear it, I swoon. However, it is not. 'That One Song' for me is any song that I am currently sick to death of. Right now, it is "Rolling in the Deep" by Adele. Past offenders have been "How Far Is Heaven" by the Los Lonely Boys, and "Handlebars" by the Flobots.

On occasion, there will be a song that comes out and I will just hate it immediately, but due to constant airplay, I end up knowing all the words and singing along and eventually liking it.

Currently, that song is "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry. The first time I heard this song, it was played 6 times during my workday and I was seriously perturbed. Now, I love it. It gives me goosebumps when I hear it.

When I first caught myself singing along to it, I immediately thought of Emma Stone's character in Easy A singing "Pocketful of Sunshine"

I rarely listen to the radio to avoid being bombarded by songs being overplayed, but then I miss out on new music.
I am trying to expose myself to new & different genres of music by entering random artist names in last.fm and using the Genius feature on my iTunes. Mostly, I just find what Kosta is listening to, and pick through that :)


  1. Nice! I agree - I get a lot of my new music from Aaron on Pandora. :) I'll have to listen to 'If I Die Young'!!

  2. omg!!! that song is always in my head too. and so is adele's song but that's because i was listening to her cd today. lol! i love the band perry!!!! all their songs play in my head and i start singing them. i'll sing "you lie" to my older son and he'll go "i do not lie!" :)
