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Monday, September 12, 2011

We're naming the baby Dutch Ascot!

Topical Tuesday is a weekly blog project in which 4...er FIVE! people contribute their individual spin on the same topic.

My fellow bloggers are:

This week's topic comes from Sara: Which celebrity are you sick of and why?

I can only pick ONE??
I am not a fan of celebrities, in general. My intense dislike mainly stems from celebrities who name their kids STUPID names.
So, being the child of a famous person isn't enough, they have to have ridiculous names as well?
Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon, I am looking DIRECTLY AT YOU.
Monroe I can stand, but Moroccan? You named your baby a nationality! Morocco is cool, you could've called him Rocco for short, but no. You took it one letter too far.
I could rant about this all day, seriously, but I won't.
It's one thing to be creative, and give your child a name that you've thought about and spoken out loud. A name that is just adorable on an infant, and stays that way as they grow up.
Is Moroccan Cannon (OMG, just say that out loud right now. Moroccan Cannon.) going to be a lawyer? A doctor? He could be. All I can say is at least he'll be rich.


  1. ROFL!!!! So funny!!!! The names that celebs think up CRACK ME UP! The celeb normal is so so so much different than what I think of as normal. :)
    Thanks for the smile, lady!!

  2. lol! i know what you mean. i wrote a fiction piece for my blog once about strange names celebs give their kids. the celeb in my story named her kid bennigan for the bankrupt restaurant chain.
    the kids in my son's class have some strange names too. it makes me glad that his isn't the strangest anymore.

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