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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Waiting Game

Admittedly, I have been pretty checked out lately.

Since deciding that NOW is a good time to start trying for a baby, I find that I am COMPLETELY obsessed with all things regarding conception.
I am on Ravelry 24/7, as a member of a group called Knitters Trying To Conceive.
I know so much about cervical mucus and the exact timeline between ovulation to implantation.
Remember how I said I didn't want to be like that? Guess what. I totally am.

I have watched documentary after documentary on conception and am truly amazed that pregnancy could ever occur on its own.

As of right now, I am playing "The Waiting Game". This is the 2 week wait between ovulation and when the levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) are high enough to take a home pregnancy test.
I am terrified.
Afraid of how I will feel if I am not pregnant, will I be sad? Relieved?
What if I am pregnant? That all it took was some proper planning and bam! Knocked up on the first real try?
I have spent the last 10 years wishing that I was pregnant, I am kind of scared of actually being pregnant.
I am (and will continue to) blame this post on my hormones. If it isn't because I am pregnant, it's because I am PMS'ing.
Good day!

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