While waiting to start my 1st round of Clomid (technically, it's my second, but I have decided to wipe the slate clean and no longer acknowledge that I had a failed attempt at conception 7 years ago) and I find myself wondering: Where do I fit in?
All over the interwebs, there are an infinite number of websites, forums, blogs, etc. that seem to be home to those of us who don't just miss a period and find that we're pregnant out of the blue.
I can't seem to find somewhere that is a group of women with just a toe in the water of trying to conceive, everywhere I look, it's the woe-filled tales of women who have cannon-balled into trying to conceive and have been a slave to their cervical mucus & how many days past ovulation they are.
I don't want to be like that.
Well, maybe not yet.
I found a pretty good group on Ravelry, but there isn't even an "introduction" thread, it's all about the cycles and ovulation and waiting.
I will get there, but I did find it a little overwhelming since I am reading about everyone else and as of now have very little to contribute.
Sometimes, I have to google the abbreviations they use.
I suppose I will find a place, just feeling a bit out of it right now.
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