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Monday, April 19, 2010

Starting down a new path

The time is now!

On Saturday, I had my annual female exam and discussed with my doctor that Kosta and I have really been thinking a lot about starting a family.
We know that it won't be instant, and that it will probably take some time.
My doctor prescribed me 4 rounds of the fertility medicine Clomid and told me that we can start the 1st round whenever we'd like.

On the car ride home from the doctor, my mind was racing.
In my purse was the prescription, we are one step closer.
I was instructed to start the meds on the 5th day of my cycle, and I didn't know it at that moment but Saturday just so happened to be day 1.

I was excited but terrified.
What if Kosta said no, that we couldn't start trying? What if he wasn't ready?

I got home and crawled back into bed with him (my appointment was early Saturday morning) and told him how the appointment went.
I then told him that Dr. Wong had given me the prescription, and asked if he thought we should start trying.
He was quiet for a moment, then said "I think we should."
Those were the most wonderful words I have ever heard.
Later that day, my cycle started which got me thinking even more.
Day 5 (the start date for the Clomid) will be Wednesday, April 21.
I was on the internet for several hours, researching and finding information about ovulation, etc.
I tracked my usual cycle length and it advised that I can take a pregnancy test as early as May 14.
This floored me.
I know it's unlikely, but in less than 1 month I could be pregnant.

I continue to be both excited and terrified.

1 comment:

  1. all the best to you with this! feel free to e-mail the friend i told you about a few weeks ago if you need someone to talk to who has been in your shoes.
