Topical Tuesday is a weekly blog project in which 4 people contribute their individual spin on the same topic.
My Fellow Bloggers are:
and a big, bloggy welcome to Nicole!
This week's topic comes from Wendy!
"People either love em, or hate em; have them, or avoid them. How do you feel about birthday parties? (bonus points for sharing a birthday party story...) 
I have 2 stances on this:
I LOVE my birthday (of course!) Historically, my birthday has great memories and to avoid completely ripping off a blog post I've already written on the topic, you can click HERE to read it.
Now, I will tell you Mean Jenn's stance on birthdays:
I cannot stand being invited to children's birthday parties for children I do not know. This has come up in the past with work friends or friends that I only know because we would see each other out socially, when said children are being tended to elsewhere.
This was especially awkward when I was single.
Why you ask? Let me list the reasons:
1) While I enjoy children, I have none of my own. Sometimes, I am at a loss as to what a 5 year old might like - I am guessing it's not the $10 bill I just put in a card, that I bought at Walgreens on my way to the party.
2) How awkward is it to be the only single person, without kids at an acquaintance's child's party? Not only do I not know the kid, I also don't know anyone else. I'll be over the veggie myself, counting the minutes before I can say "I am SO SORRY I can't stay longer! I really must go."
3) I am not really a fan of cake. I know this is a birthday thing, and not a kid's birthday thing. I spent YEARS attending birthday parties for a friend's children where the mother would be PERSONALLY OFFENDED if I did not ingest her homemade cake. Don't get me wrong, it was very good. I just don't care for cake. I need to be in the mood for it. And it has to be chocolate.
3a) Why don't kids ever have chocolate birthday cake at their parties?? Is it for clean-up purposes? I swear, my kids will ONLY have chocolate birthday cakes. Damn the mess!
4) Small talk with people I don't know. "How do you know So & So?" - We work together. Then the awkward glance around the room "Which one of these little darlings are yours?" - None. "Oh. Do you have children?" - No, I do not. Then they are as confused as I am - who invites childless people to kid's birthday parties?
The exception to this rule, is family kid birthday parties. I am especially looking forward to my littlest niece, Gianna's 1st birthday this November.