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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hello Again!

I have come out of hibernation to blog!

Shara proposed that we bring the blog project back! It's a little different this time around, we have some new bloggers added to the mix! Welcome Sara & Wendy to Topical Tuesdays!

This week's topic is courtesy of Shara, who asks:

"What do you like to do to keep cool on a hot day?"

Oh boy, Shara! I don't think this topic could be much more topical!

Well, the past few weeks in northern IL have been pretty darn hot! Today was no exception!

I wish I could say that I take advantage of the warmth, truth is - I HATE to be sweaty.

On a sweltering summer day, you can find me poolside or in my makeshift "meat locker" of a bedroom.

I am fortunate to have family in the vicinity with pools & my husband, Kosta, got so tired of me complaining about how hot it was in our bedroom and even though we have central air, he bought us a window air conditioner.

Yesterday, I got up a little earlier than usual for a Sunday because I knew it was going to be a hot one. I mowed the lawn, then Kosta and I went for a run - and I can't tell you how awesome it was to pop in the shower, then lounge on the bed for the afternoon in the delicious, crisp AC.


  1. Love that you convinced your husband to buy a window AC for your bedroom. I don't know what I would do without mine! (course I don't have central... but my bedroom IS the best / coolest place of my house). Happy Topical Tuesday to you!

  2. That's awesome!!!!!! I agree with Wendy! How did you convince him to do that? I need Aaron to buy me a window air conditioner for nighttime!! LOL!!! Awesome!! Keep cool, lady!

  3. that's good that you have access to a lot of pools. the ones here are pricey to belong to and we don't go enough anyway. the kids play in water at camp. i used to love cold showers on really hot days.
    welcome back to the blogosphere!
