Hooray for the Second Trimester!
This week, the babies got another "Glamour Shot" this week.
They no longer can be viewed together during ultrasound, as they are too big!
They are definitely looking more like babies, and less like aliens - this is a relief!
Although they were wiggling around like crazy on the ultrasound monitor, it will still be several weeks before I will be able to feel them moving and even longer until Kosta will be able to feel them from the outside.
They are roughly the size of navel oranges:
They consistently measure a few days larger than their current gestational age - such little overachievers!
They must be taking after their daddy!
Since about week 12-13, I have been feeling much better - my appetite still isn't what it used to be, but I can eat a larger variety of things without worry of feeling like shit.
I have still not vomited, so for that I am eternally grateful!
There are other things that are disconcerting...
Constipation :/
No one ever tells you about that.
And you know what else? When people brag about how long and lush their hair & nails are...they fail to tell you that the rapid luxurious hair growth is not limited to your scalp.
It pertains to all your follicles and I recommend you invest in A LOT of razors and be sure to check random spaces for stray whiskers (i.e. cleavage, belly, chin)