-Thanks to Merryland Girl for this explanation of the Thursday Blog Project.
This week's topic comes from me: Tell me about your worst habit(s)
Other contributors to the Thursday Blog Project are:
I must admit that this topic comes pretty easy for me, and for those of you who have seen recent Facebook status updates, you know that I recently quit smoking.
I have smoked, consistently, since I was 15 years old.
I will not lie and say how FANTASTIC I feel not smoking, or how clean everything smells and how much better everything tastes, because at this point - I just want a cigarette.
Granted, it's only been a week and I still catch myself thinking "Ooh! It's almost time for a break, I can go have a smoke."
Or thinking about lighting up when I get in the car after work.
As I am typing this, it feels very counterproductive. I should probably tell you why I chose to quit, rather than drool at my screen while I long to light up.
* My health - a few months ago, I wrote about making changes in how I take care of myself and I realized that it doesn't matter if I am working out, eating right and taking a vitamin if I still smoke a pack a day.
(For the record, I am still not working out...baby steps...)
* My company is offering a non-smoker discount which gives me a $30 credit per pay period to be smoke free during the next plan year. So not only am I saving money not buying cigarettes, I am also getting $60 a month off my insurance.
* I plan on getting pregnant in the next year, and I would have quit then anyways. It's a different story when it's not just affecting my health.
So, I am getting through it.
I am edgy, irritable and pretty much shove anything in my mouth that I can chew violently on.
Yesterday, I bit a huge chunk out of my tongue while angrily chewing gum.
The pros?
I have yet to brutally murder anyone & I have been knitting a lot more.